среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Подключение и настройка microMinimosd на базе MWOSD

Для прошивки microMinimosd

Скачиваем Arduino IDE
Скачиваем MWOSD

Открываем в ардуино файл MW_OSD.ino
разкоменчиваем нужные строки в config (PIXHAWK, microMinimosd и т.д)
заливаем (с помощью программматора Usb-UART CP2102)
И заново настраиваем

Инструкции по подключению PIXHAWK / APM / MAVLINK OSD

See other guides for installing Arduino and uploading MWOSD:


Step 1: prepare your config.h file

Select the GPS chip type by removing the comments:

//#define PIXHAWK
Select the aircraft type:

//#define ROTORCRAFT
//#define FIXEDWING
Step 2: Upload


Step 3: Change GUI speed to match OSD - usually 57600

Step 4: Upload fontfile using GUI

Step 5: Configure OSD using GUI

Step 6: Configure the MAVLINK settings

Connect to Mission Planner
Go to config/tuning
Locate parameters in parameter list
Enter / verify the following parameters and save
If you are connecting OSD to telemetry 1 port

SERIAL1_BAUD, 57 (telemetry output at 57600)
SR1_EXT_STAT, 2 ( 2hz for waypoints, GPS raw, fence data, current waypoint, etc)
SR1_EXTRA1, 5 ( 5hz for attitude and simulation state)
SR1_EXTRA2, 2 ( 2hz for VFR_Hud data )
SR1_EXTRA3, 3 ( 3hz for AHRS, Hardware Status, Wind )
SR1_POSITION, 2 ( 2hz for location data )
SR1_RAW_SENS, 2 ( 2hz for raw imu sensor data )
SR1_RC_CHAN, 5 ( 5hz for radio input or radio output data )
If you are connecting OSD to telemetry 2 port:

SERIAL2_BAUD, 57 (telemetry output at 57600)
SR2_EXT_STAT, 2 ( 2hz for waypoints, GPS raw, fence data, current waypoint, etc)
SR2_EXTRA1, 5 ( 5hz for attitude and simulation state)
SR2_EXTRA2, 2 ( 2hz for VFR_Hud data )
SR2_EXTRA3, 3 ( 3hz for AHRS, Hardware Status, Wind )
SR2_POSITION, 2 ( 2hz for location data )
SR2_RAW_SENS, 2 ( 2hz for raw imu sensor data )
SR2_RC_CHAN, 5 ( 5hz for radio input or radio output data )

57600 is default serial buad rate recommended when selecting APM / PIXHAWK in config.h
Baud rate in OSD and APM/PIXHAWK must match.
Always try 57600 and 115200 if no data
Use debug screen to verify: RX > 0 means there is data. PKT > 0 means there is valid data.
If no valid data, likely incorrect baud rate

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